Sunday, September 23, 2007

Yellowstone daytrip

Originally uploaded by J Semenza
Nick and I went to Yellowstone (West Yellowstone to Mammoth). The drive was absolutely gorgeous. The fall reds and yellows and forest greens... breathtaking.

We saw a few birds on the trip including a new one for me. The elusive and much sought after Clark's Nutcracker!!

Other birds include:
Canad geese
Rock doves
House sparrows
Swainson's hawks (everywhere)
Brewer's blackbirds
Red winged blackbirds
Western meadowlark
Belted kingfisher
Mountain bluebirds
Gray jays
Bald eagle
and tons of Ravens

We also spotted bison, elk and a coyote. Nick took lots more pictures than I did. It was a fabulous day.

after later

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