Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Break Day 7

Friday Slept in for a second day then went birding nearby. First up to the ridge above Arbon valley then lunch at Pizza Hut, we called Shanna again then waited for her at home then we all drove out to American Falls. The birding wasn’t spectacular anywhere, but we got a couple of new species on the overall list.  Played games and ate nachos before calling it a night early.

Caribou National Forest, Pocatello, Idaho
Mink Creek area
March 29, 2013

Near Cherry Springs 
  1. Crows
  2. Starlings
  3. California Gulls
  4. Rock Doves
  5. Canada Geese on the cliffs
  6. Magpie
  7. Robins
  8. Townsend's Solitaire
  9. Black Crowned Chickadee
  10. Ruby Crowned Kinglet
  11. "Oregon" Dark-eyed Junco
  12. Sage Thrasher
  13. Mountain Bluebird
  14. Red Shafted Flicker
  15. Heard Yellow Warblers
  16. Song Sparrow

American Falls

  1. Double Crested Cormorants
  2. Turkey Vulture
  3. Coots
  4. Mallards
  5. Tons of Red Breasted Mergansers
  6. White Pelican
  7. Bald Eagle (Shanna saw)
  8. Canvasbacks
  9. Ring Necked Pheasant
  10. Eurasian Collared Doves
  11. Mourning Doves

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