Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Mormons and the Social Media Fast

Dear Mormons:

I know you've been asked to take a break from social media by your leaders. I can even understand why it can be a good thing for an individual to do so.  But.  If your primary mode of communication with family and friends is via social media then what you are saying en masse is that you don't care about anyone who isn't a Mormon.

See, if you are a Mormon you get to play join the game of going offline. And probably most of your social contacts are in the church and you get to see them there.  If you are not Mormon then this isn't a superfun game. Maybe the only regular contact is through that random picture on Instagram or the occasional comment on Facebook.  Little bright spots of contact.

Sure you can call, either of you can call, but in today's hectic world we don't.  Sure you can text, but sometimes anxiety or just a dislike of trying to text gets in the way.  We all, intentionally or unintentionally take breaks from social media, that's just part of life.  And your family probably understands.  I do.  But the whole team shutting down (yeah I know it's only being requested for 10 days) FEELS like shunning. 

It says that if you aren't part of the Mormon gang then you don't matter. 

Balanced, use of social media is a good thing. It connects us to our large clans. I do know that it can be addictive and out of control.  This is when it's time to learn moderation. 

I'm really frustrated at this and don't feel that I'm expressing it well.  It's not that an individual is taking a social media break that makes me angry.  It's that a collective of people just turned their backs on everyone who is not part of their 'in group'.   It's very Mean Girls. 

This was not well thought out.  I know friends on social media who are removing Mormon contacts from their circles.  Why?  Because you collectively are shunning us/them. 

So, there you are.  My two cents.

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