Monday, February 28, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A number

One more long work day. I ended up with this (my house number).

53 a number 2

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Three of a kind

Three Cornell birds

52 3 of a kind 04

Or three carved ravens

52 3 of a kind 06

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Scalloped

Apparently my scallop shells are in the boxed collection downstairs. So I settled for scalloped edged quilt.

51 scalloped 01

Friday, February 25, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A fence

This is a great old fence near the campus.
50 fence 06

50 fence 07

50 fence 03

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Today's photo challenge: An optical illusion

Well this was a bust. Of course it didn't help that I had an emergency trip to the dentist for a crown. In the end I took a picture of the computer screen showing my favorite optical illusion. My attempts with small glass and big glass just didn't work.

49 optical illusion 1

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Something breaking

I struggled with this because work was so all consuming today. It's more broken than breaking, but it'll have to do.

48 broken 1

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A car

The car was a gift from my nephew Joey and the rock was a gift from his sister Rachel. I couldn't resist using this photo.

47 car 1

Monday, February 21, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Something scary

Suggestions from my friends on Facebook:

Arlene: Your TBR pile!

John: Furniture mountain? Jenny: Sadly it's been removed.

Karen: A picture of a teen with car keys and a credit card? Jenny: Good one, but I don't know any teens near me.

Robin: Knife blades, one-edged razor blades, ice picks, you catch my drift?

Marjanna: Maybe shift it to what fills you with dread? Or is dangerous. Or creeps you out.

Lisa: My ex is terrifying! Not that I think anyone should get close enough to him to take a photo. Jenny: YIKES yes your ex is scary. I think I'll pass on that photo op.

Kristin: APA style question Jenny: LOL You are cracking me up again. Yes this is a terrifying question for me.

Okay so I left my house and found that my windshield had iced over. I so dread cold days when I have to scrape and scrape. Good news, it was a sunny day and the melting had already begun. Thinking of all the suggestions I thought this might work. I certainly dread early morning frozen windows on my car.  

Later I realized that a set of stairs would have been a better choice.  I still have occasional issues because of the ice +stairs accident that kept me off my feet for 3 months. 

46 scary 3

46 scary 4

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Today's photo challenge: The most valuable thing you own

It took awhile to figure it out for me. I could have taken a picture of Shanna. My daughter is super valuable to my happiness as is the rest of my family. Or, should I take a picture of my house or an heirloom? In the end I choose this physical representation of the education that made my career possible. The career that pays for the house and makes our life so much easier. It has introduced me to friends, enemies, and colleagues. I have had funny times and sad times, and it has challenged me to learn something new every single day.

center> 45 valuable 1

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Something at night

Something at night (sorry I posted this so late, I've been out birding since 6:00 a.m.)

My photo: A view from my porch

44 at night 1

Friday, February 18, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Something mid air

Suggestions from my friends on Facebook:

Robin: Images of badminton cross my mind

Karen: Snowflakes!

Ralph: i
Jenny: That's so abstract I don't understand.
Ralph: What's the midpoint of a-i-r?
Ralph: Yes, that was supposed to be a groaner
Jenny: Definitely groan worthy. 🙂 I love clever humor so carry on.

American Kestrel (using the big lens)


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A bowl + water + something else

Shanna and I played with this lovely blue edged bowl, various objects and blue food coloring.

42 water 05

42 water 07

42 water 13

42 water 18

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Today's photo challenge: An extreme close up

In celebration of the Snow Moon (full moon in February) we got snow.

41 extreme closeup 1

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A small toy in a real world setting.

I loved the juxtaposition of the small toy on an image from a book, the book being the real world setting (well at least it is my world). This small horse is a duplicate of one that my sisters and I played with till it no longer had color or legs. I found this one in my 20s while in college.

40 small toy 5

Monday, February 14, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A mirror

This was so hard because of reflections. I gave up and this is what you get.

39 mirror 3

39 mirror 1

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Food as art

My favorites from today's efforts



Saturday, February 12, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A body of water

This morning I left my house at 5:30 and drove to the Bear River refuge to go birding and take photos. Here's one of the river using my iPhone. Yay I made it in time for sunrise!!

Raederle: How was the birding?

Interesting, the bald eagles have started migrating through and a few tundra swans are still hanging out. But overall the number of species was pretty low. For bird photos check out my post

  37 body of water 1

Friday, February 11, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Something abstract

A piece of a painting by Bill Bybee.

36 abstract 6

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A computer screen used as a light source

I had real problems with this one. I finally noticed this. It's a reflection of the only light in my house - tv, but it's connected to so many devices now that I consider it a monitor.

35 monitor light 4b

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Today's photo challenge: A piece of jewelry

My friend John Bybee made this necklace. I love it so much.

34 jewelry 2

34 jewelry 6

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Water

From my new shower

33 water 5

33 water 1

Monday, February 07, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Paper money

I asked Shanna if we had a themed Monopoly game and she brought out the Pokemon version.

32 money 6

Sunday, February 06, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Dessert

I was planning on baking something yummy. Then I had a friend show up to help move bins and boxes around and I'm too tired to make anything. Here's the lazy person's dessert.

31 dessert 3b

Saturday, February 05, 2022

Today's photo challenge: The night sky

My sky had too much cloud cover so all the pictures turned out as big dark blurs. Here is the pre-night sky.

30 night sky 4

Friday, February 04, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Unappreciated beauty

The best photo for this challenge was my funny cousin's self portrait that he posted on my Facebook page.  Facebook is where I'm publishing these every day. 

As for my photo, I've always been fascinated by decomposing snow:

29 beauty 11

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Letters

The question was is this challenge about a letter you write to someone or a letter as in a character of the alphabet. I met it both ways with this letter that is an entry in a 1970s encyclopedia published in the Soviet Union, and an entry from the Oxford English Dictionary on the word letter. It's good to be a librarian.

27 letter 1

27 letter 6

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Fire -or- Something burnt

An artist in Bozeman takes slabs of rock and turns them into oil lamps. I could hardly believe it when I first saw them. Oh probably 20 years ago was the first time. Now you can find similar things on eBay or Esty, but most do not use this raw of a stone.

26 fire 1

26 fire 4