Monday, February 21, 2022

Today's photo challenge: Something scary

Suggestions from my friends on Facebook:

Arlene: Your TBR pile!

John: Furniture mountain? Jenny: Sadly it's been removed.

Karen: A picture of a teen with car keys and a credit card? Jenny: Good one, but I don't know any teens near me.

Robin: Knife blades, one-edged razor blades, ice picks, you catch my drift?

Marjanna: Maybe shift it to what fills you with dread? Or is dangerous. Or creeps you out.

Lisa: My ex is terrifying! Not that I think anyone should get close enough to him to take a photo. Jenny: YIKES yes your ex is scary. I think I'll pass on that photo op.

Kristin: APA style question Jenny: LOL You are cracking me up again. Yes this is a terrifying question for me.

Okay so I left my house and found that my windshield had iced over. I so dread cold days when I have to scrape and scrape. Good news, it was a sunny day and the melting had already begun. Thinking of all the suggestions I thought this might work. I certainly dread early morning frozen windows on my car.  

Later I realized that a set of stairs would have been a better choice.  I still have occasional issues because of the ice +stairs accident that kept me off my feet for 3 months. 

46 scary 3

46 scary 4

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