Sunday, May 20, 2007

First (and last) boating trip of the spring

Nick is leaving for field camp soon and will be gone till July. I'm heading out for a vacation in Texas for two weeks. We had to go out on the river at least once this spring. I just love the grebes.

We loaded Barkley in the car and drove to Massacre Rocks. How come I never remember Arlo Guthrie's pickle song exists? We listened to Guthrie on the way out. Alice's Restaurant being one of my all time favorites from riding the school bus to school in Shelley.

Barks was very excited about the whole trip thing. He was very good on the boat. He is a linear thinker. The world is flat and solid to him. He'd be watching the grebes and then suddenly they'd vanish and he'd cock his head to one side then the other. You could see him trying to figure out where and how the bird went. It was just soooo funny! He liked the pelicans too.

Didn't see that many birds other than the grebes and pelicans.

Redwinged blackbirds
American White Pelicans
California Gulls
Western Grebes
House sparrows
Rock doves

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