Well, that was interesting. Rebecca and I left her house at 4:30 am. She dropped me at the airport and I started the standing in line process. I had baggied my liquids and was ready. I got to the head of the line and hand the lady my boarding pass and driver's license. She looks at me and says, 'driver's license expired'. I didn't know this so I look at the license and sure enough it was expired. YEEEKS. Well, she asks if I have another ID. But NO in order to save space I left my ISU ID card at home. So she sent me to the 'special line'.
In the 'special line' I got to put all my stuff in bright red bins. I got to be escorted to a glass booth where they puff air at you. Kinda like an all body glaucoma test. I got to walk through the metal detector a couple of time, not that I beeped. And THEN, the poor lady had to look through my purse and computer bag and swab every piece of electronic device. I had a cell phone, an mp3 player, a digital camera, a computer and a palm pilot. Lucky for her I left my Nintendo DS at home. :)
Eventually, they handed back all my stuff and I got to get on the plane. Shanna is sending me my ISU ID by second day air. I hope that will get me on the return trip plane without the 'special line' services.
More about my exciting trip to Texas in a moment. -- Jenny
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