Thursday, May 24, 2012

Homer and back to Anchorage

The highlights version because I have got to get ready to get on the plane.

Moose with twin babies
Beaches and walking
Birding (of course)
Great food
Alpine version of little bunny foo foo...

Lots of birds and a few mammals were spotted:

  2. Northern crows
  3. Bald eagles
  4. Common ravens
  5. Black legged kittiwakes
  6. Glaucous gulls
  7. Loons (probably pacific)
  8. Mallards
  9. Euarasian wigeon
  10. American wigeon
  11. Northern pintails
  12. Savannah sparrows
  13. Sandhill crane
  14. Green winged teals
  15. Belted kingfisher
  16. Glaucous winged gulls
  17. Bonaparts gulls
  18. Common merganser
  19. Northern Shoveler
  20. MOOSE! (1 mama with twin babies +3 more along the road = 6)
  21. Magpies
  22. Arctic terns
  23. Barrow's goldeneyes
  24. American Robin
  25. SQUIRREL (to go with moose)
  26. Red necked grebes
  27. Tree sparrows
  28. Scaup

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