Thursday, May 13, 2021

New Refrigerator

The new one
 I'd like to know why I have to keep replacing refrigerators.  Right after the divorce in 2012 the white refrigerator/freezer started dying. We could tell by the new noises it was making.   We were lucky in that we found a countertop depth scratch and dent modern model with a water dispenser in the door and a freezer drawer on the bottom.  It was so exciting to have such a great appliance.  That was until we started having difficulties.  It took a number of years, okay almost 9 and after paying for several repairs starting 4 years ago it finally just quit.   Well it quit in a weird way, first the freezer stopped functioning but the fridge was still moderately cold. I don't trust appliances. So, we packed the freezer drawer with ice and moved stuff out of the fridge part and moved the frozen stuff to the chest freezer in the garage.  

Then we went shopping.  We first looked for something new at Home Depot where the sales person tried to convince us that we knew someone with a truck who could deliver it for us.  This young person was clearly out of touch with reality. Not everyone has friends with trucks and even if I did know someone why not just have it delivered by the store?  Well, the reason not to was that it would take up to 10 days for it to be delivered.  That wasn't going to work.  We went to Lowe's

The new one

Lowe's was great and we found a refrigerator.  Unfortunately the size of refrigerators has continued to grow so they came to deliver it and couldn't get it through our front or back doors.  We have 29" wide doors.  Ummm this was not something we knew would be a problem.  We knew that we had to get countertop depth and we knew it couldn't be super tall.  But now we had a new measurement.  We sent it back and went back to the store.

In the meantime our existing refrigerator decided that the freezer should work and the refrigerator went warm which meant that all the stuff we had moved to our freezer to keep cold was now frozen.  WEIRDO refrigerator.  Well, we finally found something in-stock with the configuration we liked. It still has a water dispenser, but this time it's hidden inside the fridge.  Also it really is metal not brushed aluminum so magnets work on the front.  We're quite happy with this new fridge.  I guess we'll see if it'll last more than 9 years.

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