Saturday, September 20, 2008

Crystal Park MT, Sept 2008

Originally uploaded by J Semenza
Once upon a time there was an email group called Semenza Adventures where we would post upcoming field trips that other people could join us on. Unfortunately, that list died, along with the number of trips (had been going once a month through the summer/fall). It died when Nick went back to school. One of our favorite trips was to Crystal Park Montana to dig for quartz crystals.

After a 3 year hiatus, we went back, with a new batch of friends. We got really lucky and found this hunk of smoky quartz. We always find clear quartz crystals. Allegedly amethyst can also be found, though we have not been that lucky. I forgot how much fun it is to just dig in the dirt. Maybe we'll go back in the spring.

Yes, when Nick graduates we'll start a new Semenza Adventures group. Probably using Facebook. For more photos from the trip check out my link:

-- Jenny

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