Thursday, May 17, 2012

Out and About Anchorage

Upon landing I found Melinda and Arlene waiting, we loaded all my baggage (me included) into the car and began our adventure. Okay, really we just went over to Snow City Cafe for breakfast and started plotting our adventure.  I tried their bob breakfast (one egg benedict and one egg benedict florentine).  Still not a real fan of cooked spinach apparently, but at least I'm trying some new things.  After the strategy meeting we headed out to various parks, Fred Meyers and finally Moose's Tooth for dinner. Here I tried white pizza (really for the first time) complete with artichokes and a gluten free pizza, mainly I just had their spinach, nut, cranberry, grapefruit salad which was amazing.   Daria (our hostess) came to dinner with us.  We did see lots of birds in our gallivanting including:

  1. Magpies
  2. White crowned sparrow
  3. Arctic terns
  4. Bonaparte's gulls
  5. Mew gulls
  6. Greater scaups
  7. Barrow's goldeneyes
  8. Canada geese
  9. Mallards
  10. Rock dove
  11. Dark eyed juncos
  12. Yellow rumped warblers
  13. American robins
  14. MOOSE - not a bird, but...
  15. Northern harrier
  16. juvenile bald eagle
  17. American wigeons
  18. Red necked grebes
  19. Horned grebe
  20. Lesser scaup
  21. Violet green swallows
  22. Ravens
Went to bed early. I was exhausted.

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