Friday, April 04, 2008

Birding with Susan

saw whet owl
Originally uploaded by J Semenza
I finished up the southern sabbatical circuit and was home for about 10 days. I repacked, replanned, plotted and prepared for the next circuit. I also went birdwatching one day with Susan Crandall. We had the best time. We went to Market Lake and Camas Wildlife refuge. At Camas we walked along a trail and met a couple of other birders. These birders told us about a Saw Whet Owl just up the trail. We wouldn't miss it because still another birder had a telescope pointed at it.

This picture shows the teeny tiny Saw Whet owl clutching a mouse in its claws. Personally, I think he was napping before lunch. We also saw Canada geese on Market Lake stuck in the ice. Poor goosies couldn't move. On our way out, the ponds had thawed and the geese were gone.

We munched on apples, cheese and applesauce spice cake. It was a very fun day and I hope I get to go out with her again soon.

4 photos from this trip at:
We saw:
american white pelicans
brewers blackbirds
california gulls
canada geese
chipping sparrow
common goldeneye
dark eyed juncos
great blue heron
great horned owl
house sparrows
lesser scaup
lincoln sparrow
mourning doves
northern harriers
northern pintails
northern shoveler
prairie falcon
red breasted merganser
red headed ducks
red tailed hawks
red winged blackbirds
ring necked duck
rockc doves
ruddy ducks
sandhill cranes
saw whet owl
snow geese
stellars jays
swainson's hawk
trumpter swans
tundra swans
western meadowlarks
yellow headed blackbirds

Not Birds:
ground squirrels

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