Saturday, May 17, 2008

Boating at Massacre Rocks with Nick and Barkley

Originally uploaded by J Semenza
Birding from the boat, I love it! Barkley is a great, big, funny, fuzzy, dunderhead. On the boat he would walk around in circles from back of the boat to front of the boat. If he wasn't circling he was on the front watching the water or curled up napping.

We saw so many birds it was great. The most fun was the young grebe, that wanted the float off of Nick's fishing line. He chased, circled, poked and tried to eat the big orange ball. We also saw Bullocks orioles, marsh wrens, northern waterthrush, and all kinds of grebes, eared, horned, clarks, and western grebes.

It was a lovely day.


1 comment:

RSouth said...

Ummm, this is all well and good, but where are the reports from ALASKA?!